Preparing For Your Laminate Installation
By now, you’ve likely learned all about laminate flooring and purchased the perfect laminate for your home. All that’s left is the excited anticipation leading up to installation day. Our best advice at this point? Be prepared!
Our laminate specialists at Floorida Floors have put together this guide to help you get prepared for and involved in the installation process. Proper preparation will help ensure a smooth and efficient installation day, meaning less stress for you and your family.
Before Installation Day
Remove furniture.
One of the first things our crew will do when they arrive is remove all furniture and other objects from the areas where the installation will take place. You’ll need to empty the contents of china cabinets, closets, and drawers in advance. We may also ask you to adjust your climate-control settings (heat or air conditioning) to maintain a specific indoor humidity level based on the laminate product you chose.
Address your old flooring.
Prior to installation day, we’ll discuss how your old floor covering will be removed and disposed of. This can be a time-consuming task.
Address your trim.
In many cases, moldings and baseboards need to be removed for laminate installation. Painted baseboards, woodwork, and paint may need retouching after the installation is complete.
Address your subfloor.
Your existing subfloor may need to be prepared, cleaned, and leveled before new laminate is laid, or an entirely new subfloor may be required. We'll advise you.
Consider your doors.
When laminate is installed, there’s always the possibility that the doors, especially closet, basement, and bedroom doors, may not clear the new laminate floor height. We may remove doors in order to install the laminate and re-hang them, if possible. Your doors may need to be shaved or cut down to insure clearance before they can be re-attached.
During Installation Day
Prepare to stay home.
Be prepared to be at home the day of installation and to be available in case the installation crew has questions. Your presence will ensure that the correct laminate is installed in the right areas. It can be difficult to estimate the length and circumstances of each job, but we’ll keep you updated on changes to the estimated schedule.
Safety first.
Your installers will use a variety of tools and techniques that can make the work area hazardous. Please make sure that your children and pets are kept out of the work area on installation day.
A walk-through is key.
We recommend that, prior to the completion of the installation, you walk through the job site with the chief installer. This will give you the opportunity to ask questions and be clear on any final details.

After Installation Day
Establish good ventilation.
If you are sensitive to dust and odors, good ventilation should be established for 48 to 72 hours after installation. You can do this easily by running fans and opening windows, if possible.
Consider the bottom line.
Being prepared for installation day through careful planning and smart preparation will make your life and the installers’ job a lot easier. It will also make your laminate flooring experience enjoyable right from day one. At Floorida Floors, we’re here to help you get the most out of your beautiful laminate floors.